Exposure Art Show – Eva Avenue Collab ‘The Party You Weren’t Invited To’

In November 2015 I was asked to be a part of a show invented by Cindy Stovall in St. Pete called ‘Exposure’. The artist list was all the best artists and photographers. Artists are paired with a photographer.

The concept is to photograph the artist making a piece of art, and the photograph is showcased with the art. Now, I am not one to showcase portraiture in an art show. To me that is a commercial service, not something I would usually put in a show. But that’s because I am not a portraiture artist.

So of course I said ok I want to do MACRO or CONCEPTUAL. For Exposure I was paired with my friends Eva Avenue and Sal St. Germain. Here is what Eva and I created.

I photographed Eva’s painting awhile before the show. I have photographed Eva Avenue many times. I love a person who isn’t ‘shy’ to the camera. Or isn’t afraid to shoot my crazy weird ideas. For the show I thought – what if my photo was Eva dreaming the concept of this painting. I knew it would be an interesting composition in her bedroom. It would be totally different than any other photographer in the show. Yes! I was the only photographer in that show that did not do portraiture.

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